Service & Support

Getting Started

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Are you experiencing issues with your IDP SMART card printer or CardPresso card design software?

You can access our Knowledge Base for heaps of articles on getting started, or you can contact us directly.

Most issues can be resolved by a quick phone call or by referring to our Knowledge Base (click on the button below).
If your issue cannot be resolved by calling us, or by referring to the Knowledge Base, then we can visit your site to assist, or the printer can be sent to us for a general service or fault rectification.

Please complete the online Service Booking Form (see 'Service Booking Form' tab above) and submit it to us to book a service.
Software Downloads

  • CardPresso
  • Smart iDesigner
Tab 1

CardPresso card design software download

Download CardPresso card design software here.
The demo version can be licensed by contacting us for a licence serial key. 

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Tab 2

SMART IDesigner software download

Download the latest version of the SMART IDesigner.
This card design software can only be used with the SMART range of card printers. 

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Service Booking Form

Please complete and submit the following form if you require any of the following :
• a card printer to be serviced,
• an on-site callout by one of our technicians,
• a remote connection software support session.
Once we receive the form we will email you with a Case Number.
For Callout requests, we will contact you to arrange a date and time for the callout.
Contact Information
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Printer Information
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Service location
Will the service to be “Onsite”, or will you be sending the printer in to our Service Centre (Return to Base)?
Service type required
Warranty Status
What is the warranty status of your hardware?
NOTE that warranty does not apply to software.
Items included
What items are you sending in with the printer?
Service charges
Service Charges
Hourly rate $190/hour (Excl GST)
Minimum 0.5 hour.
30 minute increments.
All charges quoted are "Return to Base" charges.
Callout charges for On-site service will apply.
Call Out Charges
• Zone 1 (Perth Metro 25km) $90.00 (Excl GST)
• Zone 2 (Outer Perth Metro 50km) $120.00 (Excl GST)
• Mandurah $210.00 (Excl GST)
• Bunbury $280.00 (Excl GST)
• Other Areas - POA.
By submitting this form, I agree to the service charges as outlined above and understand that insurance on shipments is the responsibility of the sender (even if arranged by Vision IDZ). Incorrect or poor packaging may void warranty.

I agree to the Terms & Conditions of Service (see below).

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Terms & conditions of service
Printers sent in for testing without a ribbon will attract a charge for one ribbon.
Jobs will be completed without consultation if the total service and hardware cost is less than $250 unless otherwise specified.
Quotes (requiring equipment inspection) unless notified in advance will be charged at $70 (plus call out if onsite) if job does not proceed.
Estimates can be provided free of charge based on accurate fault description and sample cards.
Vision IDZ is not responsible for damage caused by improper packaging, please use original package.
Vision IDZ reserves the right to repack goods in suitable boxes and charge $100 deposit, refundable on box return.
Vision IDZ will not be responsible for damage during transit in any direction.
Payment terms are net 7 days from invoice.
Remote Connection

We use TeamViewer for a secure and private remote connection to your PC for quick software issue analysis and rectification. For more information on the TeamViewer secure connection, please review their security page at

If instructed to do so by one of our support technicians, please click on a button below.